Dennis Fisher


Dennis Fisher is a journalist with more than 13 years of experience covering information security.

New Attacks Targeting Adobe PDF Flaw

There is a new, targeted attack that is going after the Adobe Reader and Acrobat zero-day vulnerability that was disclosed last month. The attack uses a sophisticated JavaScript-based exploit that includes shell code that is just 38 bytes long.

The All-Decade Interview Team

It occurred to me recently that I’ve been covering the security industry for just about 10 years. That’s a long time to be doing anything, and especially to be writing about one topic. But it’s hard to think of something that would have been much more interesting to cover this decade, given the huge change in the amount of attention paid to security and the fascinating cast of characters this industry has.

It’s been little more than 24 hours since President Obama named Howard Schmidt his White House Cybersecurity Coordinator, but it didn’t take nearly that long for just about everyone with any interest in security to line up on one side or the other of the “he has no chance/he’ll save the Internet” line.

At first glance, the selection of Howard A. Schmidt as the White House Cybersecurity Coordinator looks like little more than a safe and easy choice designed to quiet the critics who for seven months have been howling for action from the Obama administration. But a closer look shows that Schmidt’s appointment may in fact be a milestone in the government’s handling of information security issues.