Paul Roberts

Code that allows Apple customers to circumvent that company’s exclusive content protection features was released on Wednesday, with security researchers warning that the hack could be impossible for Apple to fix on devices that have already been manufactured.

If you’ve fallen victim to a driveby download, phishing attack or virus laden PDF attachment, don’t despair: you’re in good company, according to a study sponsored by anti malware firm Symantec Corp. The anti virus software found that a whopping 73 percent of Internet users in the U.S. they surveyed identified themselves as victims of cybercrime…and feel really bad about it.

Social networking features, a rockin’ new logo and GUI improvements aren’t the only reason you should upgrade to iTunes 10, says Apple. The update to Apple’s popular music player software, released on Wednesday, also fixes a bunch of gaping vulnerabilities that could make earlier versions susceptible to Web based attacks.