Why Full Disclosure Still Matters

When the venerable Full Disclosure security mailing list shut down abruptly last month, many in the security community were surprised. But a lot of people, even those who had been members of the list for a long time, greeted the news with a shrug. Twitter, blogs and other outlets had obviated the need for mailing lists, they said. But Fyodor, the man who wrote Nmap, figured there was still a need for a public list where people could share their thoughts openly, so he decided to restart Full Disclosure, and he believes the security community will be better for it.

Mailing lists such as Full Disclosure, Bugtraq and many others once were a key platform for communication and the dissemination of new research and vulnerability information in the security community. Many important discoveries first saw the light of day on these lists and they served as forums for debates over vulnerability disclosure, vendor responses, releasing exploit code and any number of other topics.

But the lists also could be full of flame wars, name-calling and all kinds of other useless chaff. Still, Fyodor, whose real name is Gordon Lyon, said he sees real value in the mailing list model, especially in today’s environment where critical comments or information that a vendor might deem unfavorable can be erased from a social network in a second, never to be seen again.

“Lately web-based forums and social networks have gained in popularity, and they can offer fancy layout and great features such as community rating of posts. But mailing lists still have them beat in decentralization and resiliency to censorship. A mail sent to the new full disclosure list is immediately remailed to more than 7,000 members who then all have their own copy which can’t be quietly retracted or edited.” Fyodor said via email. “And even when John shut down the old list, the messages (more than 91,000) stayed in our inboxes and on numerous web archives such as SecLists.org.  With centralized web systems, the admins can be forced to take down or edit posts, or can lose interest (or suffer a technical failure) and shut down the site, taking down all the old messages with it.

The stated reason for John Cartwright, one of the creators of Full Disclosure, shutting down the list in March after 12 years of operation is that he had tired of dealing with one list member’s repeated requests to remove messages from the list’s archives. Legal threats from vendors and others were not uncommon on Full Disclosure, and Fyodor, who maintains one of the many Full Disclosure mirrors and archives online, said he had received his share of those threats, as well. Asked whether he expected he legal threats to continue, he said he did, but that it wouldn’t matter.

Asked whether he expected he legal threats to continue, he said he did, but that it wouldn’t matter.

“Yes, but we have already been dealing with them as we were already the most popular web archive for the old Full Disclosure list.  Also, this isn’t an ‘everything goes’ forum where people can post blatantly illegal content.  If folks start posting pirated software or other people’s credit card and social security numbers, we’ll take those down from the archive or not let them through in the first place.  But the point of this list is for network security information, and we will stand up against vendors who use legal threats and intimidation to try and hide the evidence of their shoddy and insecure products,” he said.

Since Fyodor rebooted the list last week, it has revived quickly, with researchers returning to posting their advisories and vendors notifying users about new patches. Fyodor said he’s hopeful that the list will continue to have an important place in the community for years to come.

“I think it is important for the community to have a vendor-neutral outlet like this for detailed discussion of security vulnerabilities and exploitation techniques,” he said.

Image from Flickr photos of Thanh Kim

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