Alleged Anonymous Affiliate Accused of DDoS on Gene Simmons Site Arrested

An alleged member of the Anonymous hacker collective was arrested Tuesday in connection with an attack on the Website of KISS front-man and reality television star Gene Simmons.

An alleged member of the Anonymous hacker collective was arrested Tuesday in connection with an attack on the Website of KISS front-man and reality television star Gene Simmons.

Reuters identifies the suspect as a 24 year-old Connecticut man named Kevin George Poe. Poe is accused of orchestrating a denial-of-service attack against Simmons’s website back in October 2010.

Poe is ordered to appear in a court in Los Angeles at a yet-to-be determined date. He is charged with conspiracy and unauthorized impairment of a protected computer and could face up to the 15 years if convicted.

Poe reportedly used the Low Orbit Ion Cannon, a DDoS tool popular among some in the Anonymous membership, to launch his alleged attack.

This is the first notable arrest of an alleged Anonymous member since a campaign over the summer that resulted in the arrests of a slew of Anonymous leaders, members, and individuals otherwise associated with the group.

It remains unclear why Poe felt the need to attack the Website of Gene Simmons.

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