Chris Brook


"Distrust and caution are the parents of security" - Benjamin Franklin

The Changing Threat Landscape

Join Dennis Fisher, Threatpost editor-in-chief, and his guests, Josh Corman, Director Security Intelligence Akamai, and Gene Kim, Founder / Former CTO Tripwire, and Author, “Visible Ops,” as they discuss the changing threat landscape and how technology plays a pivotal role in the security challenges facing businesses today.

Facebook Settles with FTC on Privacy Grounds

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposed a settlement with social networking giant Facebook on Tuesday, requiring the site to take the privacy of its users more seriously and subject itself to privacy audits every two years for the next 20 years, according to an article in the New York Times.

The United States Department of Homeland Security cried foul yesterday morning, debunking claims from both the Illinois Statewide Terrorism and Intelligence Center (STIC) and Applied Control Solutions that a water station in Illinois was hacked earlier this month.

A flurry of reports late last week described an attack on an unnamed Springfield, Ill. water treatment facility where the plant’s supervisory control and data acquisition software (SCADA) were compromised by Russian computers.

Calling it a form of “electronic civil disobedience,” hacktivist group Anonymous took aim at a special agent from the California Department of Justice on Friday. The group spilled 38,000 e-mails containing “computer forensics techniques, investigation protocols as well as highly embarrassing personal information,” according to a press release on Pastebin.