Dennis Fisher


Dennis Fisher is a journalist with more than 13 years of experience covering information security.

Radical steps are needed to fix Internet security

The Internet as we know it today was designed to be a place where people could go about their business, whatever it happened to be, anonymously and without interference from other users. This model worked reasonably well for a long time, but it’s become painfully clear in recent months that some fundamental changes are needed in the way people use the network and, more importantly, how their PCs are allowed to behave.

The most important questions to ask your MSSP

From SearchMidmarketSecurity (Mike Chapple)

Many SMB IT administrators face a serious challenge when it comes to delivering serious security to their users. They may not have the budget or expertise they need and outsourcing can be expensive and troublesome if it’s not approached in the right way. As Mike Chapple writes on, asking a few key questions up front can be the difference between success and failure.

The supposedly new attacks on the electrical grid and other portions of the country’s critical infrastructure that came to light this week are in fact not new at all and have been ongoing for several years. Attackers have been making serious inroads into U.S. government, utility and military networks for most of this decade and the problem is continuing to worsen, security experts say.

From Cnet (Elinor Mills)
The security of U.S. networks is in such disarray that the Pentagon has spent $100 million in the last six months alone to repair damage done by cyber attacks. That huge number presumably includes cleaning up after external attacks, viruses and internal problems.