Casey Anthony Confession Scam Spreading on Facebook

As much as everyone loves a good getting away with murder, “If I Did It” type story, the leaked video spreading virally on Facebook right now, which purports to be of Casey Anthony confessing to a lawyer, is a fake, according to a report from Sophos Labs.

As much as everyone loves a good getting away with murder, “If I Did It” type story, the leaked video spreading virally on Facebook right now, which purports to be of Casey Anthony confessing to a lawyer, is a fake, according to a report from Sophos Labs.

Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murdering her daughter her two year-old daughter earlier this month. While the verdict itself came a shock to many, the ensuing Facebook like-jacking scam is equally unsurprising, especially considering the swath of media attention that the Casey Anthony case has received.

Those who follow the link will see the same-old like-jacking, pay-per-click, survey scams that have become a Facebook trademark made infamous in the wake of the Japanese earthquake,  tsunami and nuclear disaster.

Obviously, it goes without saying that video is as fake as May’s Osama bin Laden death photo scams. However, as the scam advertises itself, it wouldn’t matter if the video was real, because, as the scam advertises, “She can’t be re-tried, double jeopardy.. OJ all over again!”

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