
Gary McGraw on the BSIMM3 Data Release

Dennis Fisher talks with Gary McGraw of Cigital about the release of the data collected during the BSIMM 3 software security measurement project, the most pressing challenges facing companies involved in software security programs and the reasons that the US government is falling farther behind on this front.

DHS Thinks Some SCADA Problems Are Too Big To Call “Bug”

The Stuxnet worm may be the most famous piece of malicious software ever written. When it was first detected, a little over a year ago, the worm sounded a warning to nations around the world that critical infrastructure systems were potential targets of attack for foreign governments and cyber criminal organizations alike. But with the anniversary of the Stuxnet worm’s discovery just past, the Department of Homeland Security admits that it is now reevaluating whether it makes sense to warn the public about all of the security failings of industrial control system (ICS) and SCADA software. 

The FBI continued its pursuit of members of the hacking group LulzSec on Thursday, arresting a 23 year old Phoenix, Arizona man believed to be part of an online hacking crew that attacked systems belonging to Sony Pictures, the Bureau said in a statement Thursday.

The TED talks have long been famous for introducing a wide (albeit wired) audience to The Next Big Thing, whether it was Jeff Hann at NYU demonstrating the Minority Report-style touch-sensitive user interfaces in 2006 – years before the iPhone hit the market – or MIT’s David Merrill’s demonstration of stackable mini computers called Siftables. (OK – we’re not sure yet what the heck you can use those for.)