
Hacking Team Claims It Always Sold ‘Strictly Within the Law’

Hacking Team officials are disputing reports that the company sold its surveillance and intrusion software to oppressive regimes in countries that were under sanction. The company said it sold its products “strictly within the law and regulation as it applied at the time any sale was made.” The new statement from Hacking Team comes after two […]

UPDATE–Researchers at Rook Security have released a new tool that looks for HackingTeam malware on target systems, and also have published a set of indicators of compromise to help organizations look for signs of an infection from the intrusion software.

A new version of the nasty TeslaCrypt ransomware is making the rounds, and the creators have added several new features, including an improved encryption scheme and some details designed to mimic CryptoWall. TeslaCrypt is among the more recent variants of ransomware to emerge and the malware, which is a variant of CryptoLocker, is unique in […]