
Malware capable of infecting point-of-sale devices once was a novelty, but it’s quickly becoming more common. Researchers at Arbor Networks have unearthed a new strain of PoS malware called Soraya that can scrape memory and has the ability to intercept information sent from Web forms, a specialty of the Zeus malware family. Soraya also has […]

UPDATE–Law enforcement agencies in Europe and the United States, including Europol and the FBI, ran a coordinated takedown of the  GameOver Zeus botnet on Friday, seizing servers and disrupting the botnet’s operation. Authorities say that the same botnet has been used to distribute the CryptoLocker ransomware and they’re now looking for a 30-year-old Russian whom […]

UPDATE–Researchers have discovered a hybrid Trojan that combines elements of two of the more notorious crimeware strains of the last few years: Zeus and Carberp. It’s not uncommon for malware writers to steal bits and pieces of code from one another, but both Zeus and Carberp were once exclusively private tools, but the source code […]