
South Korea Blames North Korea for March Cyberattack

Officials from the Republic of Korea are saying North Korea’s military intelligence agency was responsible for the mid-March malware attacks that knocked several prominent South Korean banks and broadcasters offline, according to a Dow Jones Newswire report.

Rogue Twitter Account Used in Targeted Attacks Against Free Tibet Supporters

Attackers targeting Tibetan freedom supporters aren’t holding back when it comes to using all avenues to infect activists with malware. In a relatively short amount of time, we’ve seen Tibetan nationals in China and in exile around the world targeted with spear phishing campaigns, watering hole attacks, hacks against Android mobile devices and now the latest vector: social media sites.

Dennis Fisher talks with Paul Judge, the CTO of Barracuda Labs, about his roots in the security industry, his near-miss with organic chemistry, the start-up and security community in Atlanta and what his next venture might be.

Bitcoin may still be a virtual unknown quantity for most people, but the digital currency has not escaped the notice of attackers, many of whom are turning their attention to finding ways to use the system for their own gains. The attacks against Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox and hack of Instawallet this week are the latest evidence, but now there is a piece of malware in circulation that is using Skype as a spreading mechanism and then using infected machines’ processing power to mine Bitcoins.

Security-related policy or legislation is enacted and then enforced to protect corporate, government or military interests. Civil organizations are often left flailing in the wind, fending for themselves with fewer IT resources and experience than a Middle America mom-and-pop operation. Yet these non-governmental—and not-for-profit—organizations have tasked themselves with helping those targeted by lethal adversaries who aren’t just after corporate secrets, but are out to deny people their freedom or, in some cases, their lives.