
Google Pwnium Program Now Open All Year

Google is expanding its successful Pwnium vulnerability reward program–which has run at various security conferences for a couple of years now–to run continuously and offer an unlimited pool of financial rewards. Pwnium originally was established as an alternative to the Pwn2Own hacking contest at CanSecWest every spring. The Pwn2Own contest has been the origin of […]

Mike Mimoso on SAS 2015

Dennis Fisher and Mike Mimoso discuss their takeaways from the SAS 2015 conference, including the Equation Group APT analysis, hacking car washes, indexing the dark web and hacking home appliances.

Trey Ford from Project Sonar describes the group’s initiative at Kaspersky’s Security Analyst Summit. The Rapid 7 service scans public-facing networks for apps, software, and hardware, then analyzes that cache of information to gain insight to trends and common vulnerabilities.