
What Have We Learned: OpenSSL Heartbleed Bug

There’s nothing the Internet loves more than a fat, juicy story that it can sink its sharpened, yellowing canines into. And for the security community, the OpenSSL heartbleed vulnerability has been the equivalent of a 72-ounce steak. But an Internet-breaking vulnerability like this one is no good unless we can learn something from it (or […]

The BEAST attack on some TLS implementations made major news when it was disclosed, showing that attackers could intercept and decrypt SSL-protected sessions in real time, breaking a significant portion of the confidentiality model of the protocol. Vendors rushed to patch and implement mitigations. That was in 2011. Nearly three years later, Siemens is pushing […]

Google has patched a long list of serious security vulnerabilities in Chrome, including at least 19 highly rated flaws. The company patched a total of 31 vulnerabilities in Chrome 34 and paid out more than $28,000 in rewards to researchers who reported bugs to Google. Among the security fixes in Chrome 34 are patches for […]