
Report: Syrian Government Using Targeted Skype Attacks, Malware To Spy On Dissidents

In a post on the F-Secure Labs blog, Chief Research Officer Mikko Hypponen says the firm received a hard drive image from a “contact” within Syria who believed that his computer had been compromised. An F-Secure analysis of the drive’s contents and Web history revealed evidence of a targeted attack that used a malicious Skype chat link to install a copy of Xtreme RAT, a remote access tool that’s commercially available online.

Serious Remote PHP Bug Accidentally Disclosed

A serious remote-code execution vulnerability in PHP was accidentally disclosed Wednesday, leading to fears of an outbreak of attacks on sites that were built using vulnerable versions of PHP. The bug has been known privately since January when a team of researchers used it in a capture the flag contest and then subsequently reported it to the PHP Group. The developers were still in the process of building the patch for the flaw when it was disclosed Wednesday.

A vulnerability in Skype that could expose members’ IP addresses may have been known to Skype officials as far back as November 2010. A researcher who first discovered the flaw speculates it may have been left exposed perhaps because it was deeply embedded in the code and could cause other problems, according to a Wall Street Journal blog.

VIEW SLIDESHOW Mac Malware through the YearsWith the recent glut of high profile Mac-based malware like MacDefender and Flashback, it’s easy to forget that Macintosh computers (and Mac malware) have been kicking around for more than thirty years – longer, even, than Windows malware. In fact, the first documented Mac virus actually predated some of the first PC viruses by a good four years.

There’s a critical remotely exploitable vulnerability in all of the current versions of the Oracle database server that can enable an attacker to intercept traffic and execute arbitrary commands on the server. The bug, which Oracle reported as fixed in the most recent Critical Patch Update, is only fixed in upcoming versions of the database, not in currently shipping releases, and there is publicly available proof-of-concept exploit code circulating.