
Behind The Mask, Accused LulzSec Members Left Trail Of Clues Online

When the long arm of the law reached in to arrest members of Anonymous’s senior leadership on Tuesday, speculation immediately turned to the identities of the six men behind the Guy Fawkes mask. With the benefit of hindsight, it turns out that many had been hiding in plain site, with day jobs, burgeoning online lives and – for those who knew where to look – plenty of clues about their extra curricular activities on behalf of the world’s most famous hacking crew.

Chaouki Bekrar: The Man Behind the Bugs

VANCOUVER–Say what you will about Chaouki Bekrar, but the man is nothing if not frank. Bekrar, who is the public face of the VUPEN team that has been toying with the Pwn2Own contest this week, has become a lightning rod in the debate over exploit sales, and from all outward appearances, he couldn’t be happier about it.

The same team from VUPEN that took down Google Chrome on Wednesday has succeeded in compromising Internet Explorer 9 on Windows 7, using two separate bugs. The success at the Pwn2Own contest was the result of a heap overflow bug in IE as well as a separate bug in the browser’s protected mode.

VANCOUVER–One of the first things we’re taught as kids is that sharing is good. If you have two Chocodiles and Billy has none, you give him one. Sharing once was the norm in the security community–or, more specifically, certain sections of it–as well, but if the atmosphere at the CanSecWest conference this year are any indication, those days are quickly coming to an end.

VANCOUVER–A group of researchers from VUPEN, a French security firm, was able to compromise Google Chrome in the initial stages of the Pwn2Own contest. But because of the new rules this year, that doesn’t guarantee them a win in the contest. Rather, it just gives them a nice head start.