Gunter Ollmann on the Future of Ransomware, Exploit Kits, and IoT

Gunter Ollmann, CSO at Vectra networks, talks to Mike Mimoso about ransomware as a prototype for malware going forward, as well as the long-term future of exploit kits and whether IoT is something that can be secured sooner rather than later.

LAS VEGAS—Gunter Ollmann, CSO at Vectra networks, talks to Mike Mimoso at Black Hat about ransomware as a prototype for malware going forward, as well as the long-term future of exploit kits and whether IoT is something that can be secured sooner rather than later.

Download: Gunter_Ollman_on_Ransomware_Exploit_Kits_and_IoT.mp3

Music by Chris Gonsalves


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