Infographic: Facebook Security In A Nutshell

As Facebook’s population has grown from thousands to millions to hundreds of millions, security has come to be an even greater concern. In recent years, the company has had to respond to threats ranging from spam to Facebook-specific malware like Koobface, all the while keeping scammers and identity thieves at bay.

FacebookAs Facebook’s population has grown from thousands to millions to hundreds of millions, security has come to be an even greater concern. In recent years, the company has had to respond to threats ranging from spam to Facebook-specific malware like Koobface, all the while keeping scammers and identity thieves at bay. As part of Cybersecurity Awareness month, Facebook has put together a cool infographic that highlights some security facts from its massive online operation, and walks you through the various security checks that surround and protect each log in. 


Check out the original here

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