Malware Poses as Phony Google+ Plug-In

Spammers are cashing in on the (modest) popularity of Google+ by sending out fake emails inviting users to try out Google+ Hangouts by downloading a malicious file posing as a Google+ Hangout plug-in.

Spammers are cashing in on the (modest) popularity of Google+ by sending out fake emails inviting users to try out Google+ Hangouts by downloading a malicious file posing as a Google+ Hangout plug-in.

The fraudulent email advertises Google+ Hangouts as “the most popular online meeting service,” which is apparently true, according to a recent article from Lifehacker.

The fake Google+ plug-in promises to make you “look and sound your best with high quality audio and video,” apparently an effort to fool G+ users into believing that the free Web conferencing feature can be juiced. Malware City reports that clicking the link won’t install a Google+ plug-in but downloads an executable file instead.

Despite concerns about privacy, there have been few threats that specifically target the Google+ network since its launch. The company has promised to prevent brand squatting and other nuisance behaviors, but G+ specific malware and attacks have been far and few between. That may change, however, as the size of the nascent social network continues to grow. 

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