Counterfeit and “certified pre-owned” hardware is nothing new, but we think 2012 will see this issue morph from a sideshow in the cyber security world to center stage, with new revelations about contamination of the global supply chain by hardware and software components of dubious origin and possibly malicious intent. Government agencies, militaries and commercial firms in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere will increasingly worry that gear they purchased with confidence may, in fact, contain components of dubious origin that could provide an attacker with access to critical networks or systems, or that could be funneling sensitive information to parties hostile to their organization.
Pre-Owned Hardware
Author: Chris Brook
Counterfeit and “certified pre-owned” hardware is nothing new, but we think 2012 will see this issue morph from a sideshow in the cyber security world to center stage, with new revelations about contamination of the global supply chain by hardware and software components of dubious origin and possibly malicious intent.