Threatpost News Wrap Podcast For Jan. 18

Threatpost editors break down the top headlines from the week ended Jan. 18.

Exposed personal data seemed to be the big trend this week, which was overshadowed by Troy Hunt’s discovery of a database of breached emails totaling 773 million unique addresses in a popular cloud service.

Millions of sensitive files on a storage server belonging to the Oklahoma Department of Securities were also left exposed for a week, and an improperly secured database owned by VOIPO exposed millions of customer call logs, SMS message logs and credentials in plain text.

Threatpost’s Tom Spring and Lindsey O’Donnell break down the biggest headlines from this week.


Interested in learning more about data breach trends? Join the free Threatpost webinar on Wednesday, Jan. 23 at 2 p.m. EST, as editor Tom Spring examines the data breach epidemic with the help of noted breach hunter and cybersecurity expert Chris Vickery. Vickery shares how companies can identify their own insecure data, remediate against a data breach and offers tips on protecting data against future attacks.




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