Threatpost Spotlights

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Threatpost’s Top Security News Stories of 2011

As the year draws to a close, we’ve compiled our list of the Top Security Stories of 2011, presented here in no particular order. These are the issues that shook the world’s markets and kept us awake at night. If there’s a lesson here, it’s that cybersecurity challenges aren’t going away anytime soon. In fact, as we look forward to 2012, about the only thing that could quell the continuing battle to secure technology system is if the Mayans turn out to be right.  And none of us is rooting for that.

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Threatpost Spotlight: Five Security Predictions for 2012

What will 2012 bring? We can’t know for sure. Recent years have taught us that, when it comes to computer security, one should expect to be surprised. However, it’s equally true that in the realm of computer security, “what’s past is prologue,” as Shakespeare famously wrote. In other words: the events of he past year have helped to set the stage for the big events (and news stories) of 2012. What are those likely to be?  Download to learn Threatpost’s predictions ofof 2012 security trends.

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