Cyber-criminals have started preying on Verizon
Wireless customers, sending out spam e-mail messages that say their
accounts are over the limit and offering them a “balance checker”
program to review their payments. The e-mail messages, which
look like they come from Verizon Wireless, are fakes; the balance
checker is actually a malicious Trojan horse program. Read the full article. [Computerworld]
Verizon Wireless Customers Beware of Trojan Horse
Donald Sears
1 minute read
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Cyber-criminals have started preying on Verizon
Wireless customers, sending out spam e-mail messages that say their
accounts are over the limit and offering them a “balance checker”
program to review their payments. The e-mail messages, which
look like they come from Verizon Wireless, are fakes; the balance
checker is actually a malicious Trojan horse program. Read the full article. [Computerworld]