Video: Expert Proves Stuxnet’s Link To Iran Nuclear Facilities

When Ralph Langner, an independent security researcher, presented his analysis of specialized code used by the Stuxnet worm to an audience of his peers at the S4 Conference in Miami last month, it was a chance to get down in the weeks with one of the world’s top experts on Stuxnet and threats to industrial control system.

IranWhen Ralph Langner, an independent security researcher, presented his analysis of specialized code used by the Stuxnet worm to an audience of his peers at the S4 Conference in Miami last month, it was a chance to get down in the weeks with one of the world’s top experts on Stuxnet and threats to industrial control system. In his talk, Langner stepped through decompiled code used by Stuxnet and open source intelligence, isolating key lines of code used in the attack and arguing that Stuxnet was designed by industrial control experts with a specific target in mind: the Iranian uranium enrichment facility in Natanz.

“I can say we now know Stuxnet’s target with a confidence of 100 percent,” Langner told the gathering of around 60 experts in SCADA and industrial control systems.

Now that talk is available online, thanks to the folks at Digitalbond, which organized the S4 event. Check it out

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