Almost 80% of more than 3,000 software security flaws publicly reported
so far this year have been in Web technologies such as Web servers,
applications, plugins and Web browsers.
That number is about 10% higher than the number of flaws reported in
the same period last year — and nine out of 10 of the flaws were found
in commercial code. Read the full article. [Computerworld]
Web Security Flaws Up 10% in 2009
Donald Sears
1 minute read
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Almost 80% of more than 3,000 software security flaws publicly reported
so far this year have been in Web technologies such as Web servers,
applications, plugins and Web browsers.
That number is about 10% higher than the number of flaws reported in
the same period last year — and nine out of 10 of the flaws were found
in commercial code. Read the full article. [Computerworld]