NKill aims to catalog vulnerabilities of every computer

From IDG News Service (Sumner Lemon) 
A security consultant is developing a search engine called NKill that aims to track the security vulnerabilities on every computer connected to the Internet, with the ability for users to search for vulnerable computers in a country or inside a specific company.
NKill, which currently covers all .com, .org and .net domain names, will be made available to the public within one month or so, said Anthony Zboralski, founder of Bellua Asia-Pacific, speaking Wednesday at the Hack In The Box Security Conference in Dubai. Read the full story [networkworld.com]

From IDG News Service (Sumner Lemon) 

A security consultant is developing a search engine called NKill that aims to track the security vulnerabilities on every computer connected to the Internet, with the ability for users to search for vulnerable computers in a country or inside a specific company.

NKill, which currently covers all .com, .org and .net domain names, will be made available to the public within one month or so, said Anthony Zboralski, founder of Bellua Asia-Pacific, speaking Wednesday at the Hack In The Box Security Conference in Dubai. Read the full story [networkworld.com]


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