According to the FTC, the fraudsters charged 1.35 million credit cards a
total of $9.5 million, but only 78,724 of these fake charges were ever
noticed. Typically they floated just one charge per card number, billing
on behalf of made-up business names such as Adele Services or Bartelca
LLC. Read the full article. [Computerworld]
Fee Scam By Fraudsters Went Unnoticed
Donald Sears
1 minute read
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According to the FTC, the fraudsters charged 1.35 million credit cards a
total of $9.5 million, but only 78,724 of these fake charges were ever
noticed. Typically they floated just one charge per card number, billing
on behalf of made-up business names such as Adele Services or Bartelca
LLC. Read the full article. [Computerworld]